Thursday, January 3, 2013

More breastfeeding goals?

Today’s Topic on the Breastfeeding bloghop is goals, which is appropriate for January and a new year. I have previously talked about what my personal breastfeeding goals have been and what influenced me to have those goals.  But as I was pondering the topic of breastfeeding goals, I realized that I am most likely breastfeeding my last baby.  (God can always do the unexpected, but we do not plan to add any more children to our family.)
While I believe my family is complete,  I am a little sad that this is the last baby.  I pray that the youngest will not be the one to self-wean early.  But, it also means that it is a good time for me to set some breastfeeding goals that are bigger than my personal breastfeeding experience.
I have had the opportunity at three different jobs to work with mothers who were breastfeeding.  And I have always absolutely loved it.  It has been quite enlightening also.  Although I had tons of problems getting my first to latch correctly, all in all breastfeeding has been pretty easy for me personally.  But, some of the women I have worked with have had lots of trouble.  They have had to work really hard to breastfeed their babies.  Before seeing how hard it can be to breastfeed, I had been almost a breastfeeding Nazi.  Now, not so much.  I do think that there are lots of things about our current culture that make it harder to breastfeed.  In the past 10 years I think hospitals have been doing a better job of allowing moms and babies to stay together and nurse sooner after birth.  But there is still work to be done.  I have seen way too many stories in the news in the past year about women who were asked to stop breastfeeding or leave current stores.  And the whole Time magazine controversy.  I can definitely say that I agree with Support with Integrity.  We should not be judgmental about how a mother chooses to breastfeed.  I have signed the pledge and will display the button.
Support with Integrity
In general I like to have goals and a plan.  But right now I am still praying about what my long term goals or mission should be for breastfeeding.  So, instead I’ll give you my 2013 breastfeeding goals.

1.  Breastfeed baby (the entire year Lord willing) and then wean early 2014.
2.  Write a weekly post for the breastfeeding bloghop.
3.  Take one continuing education class on breastfeeding.
4.  Explore ways to support or encourage a culture of breastfeeding.
5.  Pray about my long term goals related to breastfeeding.


  1. I definitely like take a CE class on breastfeeding. I might have to add that. First I want to finish my BSN in May, unless I see something before that.

  2. I try to take one at least every two to three years to make sure that I am keeping current. Good luck with your BSN, what do you have left?

    1. I only need to take one more course, and it's a case management class. I've been a registered nurse since 2006 and planned on finishing my BSN before children, but our daughter was a surprise, so here I am FINALLY finishing it.

    2. That is great that you are finishing! Kids do slow things down a bit. I went back for my masters when my girls were 3 and 5. I'm not sure how you did it with such a tiny one. Congrats!

  3. Love these goals! I have been debating becoming an LLLI leader.

    1. I have thought about that as well as whether I want/need to be a IBCLC. Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. Beautiful goals! I agree that it's easy to be a "breastfeeding Nazi," but has helped me to search for the mom's heart first. And even still, all is grace, yes? I look forward to reading your posts this year! ~Jeniffer

  5. Thanks Jeniffer! My breastfeeding Nazi days are behind me :) We are all so different and God has given us our own roads and challenges. But, I do agree, it is all Grace anyway. Thanks for coming by, and I look forward to our year.
