Friday, March 8, 2013

I wanna go HOME {Five Minute Friday}

Yeah! It is Friday!  It has been an odd week in Cincinnati with a snow day in the middle of the week, so it feels more like Tuesday than Friday.  But I will take it :)  So, since it is Friday it is time for Five Minute Friday where a whole bunch of us all write about one word, given to us by Lisa Jo Baker.  It is all about encouragement and acceptance, not editing or over-thinking.  The only thing is we can only write for five minutes.

And this week the prompt is: HOME

Home, what can I say about home?  As a kid I was raised in a Navy house.  I think this really changed my attitude about home.  I didn't move as often as some Navy kids, but still to me home is people not a place or a house.  Home is being with family.

I will admit that for a while I thought of my grandparent's house as home.  A great big Victorian home in Montana.  But, that got too big and too hard to maintain.  They sold it and moved to the town where my aunt lived.  And then for sure, there was no physical place to call home.

Now still, even though it is no longer the Navy moving us around, I haven't lived for more than five years in one place.  I am ready to call Cincinnati home.  But really, deep down, I know that God has not called us to call earth our home.  As Christians, our real home is in heaven.  And that is the home I should be longing for.  And indeed I do.


But our citizenship is in heaven – and we also await a savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform these humble bodies of ours 30  into the likeness of his glorious body by means of that power by which he is able to subject all things to himself.
Philippians 3:20-21 NET Bible


  1. Nice post. Similar theme to what I wrote ... You realize you have made a home for them because our Lord has made a home for us. Blessings!

  2. I hope you can get settled here! Thank you for writing and be blessed:)

  3. Oh, indeed, I do, too!
    We lived in the same town growing up, but moved lots. My husband never moved once. Amazing how our views are different and it leads to some rich discussion on how we want to portray our real home to our children... {HUGS} Happy Friday to you! (still praying for you, friend)

  4. Amen!! Heaven our real home somedays I can't wait to go home! And home is about people right:)

  5. Loved this... Home is not a building... it is people and memories and ultimately - those are all simply pictures and shadows of what we are REALLY longing for! Loved this post!

  6. I loved this ... loved how so many people brought the point of us waiting to go to our true home into their writing... thank you friend.
